Calling all Coffee Enthusiasts!
•Posted on February 01 2021

By: Taylor Milton
Wondering how this bean is best roasted?
As told by the farmers, this is “a very stand up bean at almost any roast level.” So we were stoked to share this one with you. Here at Trident Coffee, we like to introduce El Capitan as a City Roast that tastes best at a medium roast level!
With its silky mouthfeel and low acidity, it leaves you with sweet orange-y tones and a satisfying milk chocolate aftertaste. Note to the experts: this coffee will roast a little two-toned containing a couple different strains so if you are shooting for the lighter side of the roast slowing it down a bit will be helpful.
Is it just us, or can you smell those sweet chocolate-y orange aromas coming from this morning's pot of jo??
We’d love to hear your feedback on the different tasting notes you personally experience from this bag of beans by leaving us a review! Coffee education is the best education because who doesn’t love the reward of a perfectly brewed cup of coffee as the result. With that being said, now that you’re the expert here… Order up and taste your knowledge!!